Well, kali ini saya akan memaparkan sedikit tentang idioms.
Idiom is word, phrases, or expressions that which are not interpreted literally/ logically.

1. Colour, example : to be blue (feel depressed)
2. Animal, example :to kill 2 birds with 1 stone ( get 2 things or more at once)
3. Body : example : to pull someone's leg (to joke/ tease someone)
4. Food : example : a piece of cake (easy to do)
5. Business : example : to give someone the green light (give permissions)
Below are some other example of idioms :
1. Break the ice : first to say/ do something
2. Hold your horses : be patient, wait a minute
3. Over the hill : old/ too old to do something
4. On cloud nine : Very happy
5. Spilled the bean : tell the secret
6. We were in stitches : laughing very hard
7. He kicked the bucket : He died
8. Go fly a kite go away : go away
9. She was dressed to kill : she was dressed in her finest clothing
10. End of rope : very distressed
11. Money talks : Money influences a lot of people
12. Stick your neck out : Do something that is bold but dangerous
Mungkin cuman ini yang dapat saya paparkan mengenai contoh-contoh idioms. Lain kali akan saya tambah.
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